Are you ready/able to respond to challenge?
How easy do you find it to adapt to a new situation?
What are the challenges facing you today?
What are the challenges facing the world today?
Do you care enough to change your circumstances?
As the world has changed over the years so
Carmelites, including the Leaven , have had to
adapt their response to God's calling so as to
be able to meet new challenges.
The Leaven shares the rich heritage of one
of the oldest orders of the Church, the
order of Carmel, and follows its traditions
of contemplative-
We are a group of vowed women, single or
widowed, who choose to live and work in the
world in order to bring Christ into every
circumstance, every occupation and every place.
We endeavour to be 'leaven in the world'
Who We Are
There is also a group of friends. The friends are ordinary Christian, men and women, age 18 and over from all walks of life who are seeking an extra dimension to their lives which will lead to a deepening of their personal faith.